The cold weather is good for your health. Although there is a need to take special care of health in this season, in various research it has also been proved that cold weather is beneficial for health in many ways. By eating nutritious things in this season, that benefit can be given to health, whose effect can be seen throughout the year. Apart from this, the effect of exercise these days is not the same in any season. Let’s see some health benefits of cold weather and how we can take care of our health in this cold weather.
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Top Health Benefits of Cold Weather
Benefits of deep sleep
Deep Sleep is a factor for getting health benefits in the cold weather. Our body has a cycle, according to which we eat, sleep and do other things day and night. This pattern controls how normally we can do our work. When this pattern gets disturbed, then the biggest effect falls on sleep, then many problems arise. According to studies published in Medical News Today, sleep disorders increase the risk of kidney disease and diabetes. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the ideal temperature for sleeping is 15.5 to 19 degrees. That is, there is a favorable environment for deep sleep in cold weather.
Eat well, be healthy
According to the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, appetite increases in winter. Also, eating and drinking in this cold weather has its importance. It is said that whatever is eaten during this period benefits the body. This is the reason why nutritious things like cold ladoos are made and eaten in India. Apart from this, there is a special benefit of eating poppy seeds, almonds, walnuts, figs, Chyawanprash, Gajak, and Pind dates in the winter season. By eating a healthy diet, you can get health benefits in cold weather.
The most fundamental stuff for everyone this year is immunity. Due to Coronavirus, people have become very concerned about health now. Health experts say that the spread of flu or infection is common in winter, so it may be that the cases of corona may also increase during this time.
To stay away from infections, most people are drinking decoction, juice, or green tea at this time. Many such fruits are also found in the winter season which increases immunity and due to which it helps the body to fight infection. Let’s know about these fruits which provide special health benefits in the winter.
Guava – Guava is considered to be the favorite fruit of winter. Guava is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants which fight infection in the body and protect cells from any kind of damage.
Pear – Pear is very much liked in the winter season. As much as pear is delicious to eat, its juice is also considered equally beneficial.
Orange – Orange is rich in vitamin C and calcium. It reduces the risk of seasonal infections and makes the body strong.
Apple – Apple keeps the body away from many diseases. It strengthens the immune system and reduces inflammation and swelling in the body.
Mousambi– Mousambi is a sour fruit that is rich in Vitamin C. It is nice to eat and its liquid can also be drunk.
Pomegranate – Pomegranate is red in appearance and sweet in taste. Pomegranate thins the blood, which is considered very good for blood pressure, heart, weight loss, and skin.
Plum – Plum is also called plum. Plums are considered the main source of antioxidants.
Get overweight
There are two kinds of fat in the body – white fat and brown fat. White fat is not good for health. Brown fat is the fuel that the body burns for energy. Scientists have been looking for ways since the beginning of how to convert white fat into brown fat. According to The Journal of Clinical Investigation, this work happens automatically in cold weather, as the body finds ways to keep itself warm and as a result, fat is burned. Therefore, the notion that weight increases in the cold are not entirely correct. If you eat a balanced diet and do regular exercise, the body will be healthier than before.
Gets relief from pain and burning
On normal days, whenever there is pain or burning, it is advised to apply ice. This happens naturally in winter. Do you know how ice packs are applied to decrease swelling and pain after an injury? Well, you might recognize your joints feeling less swollen or puffy in winter because the cold air works like a natural ice pack to reduce inflammation.
Live more happily in winter
According to the University of New Castle, referential creativity is seen in winter. A person’s attention is diverted from other things and he changes his thinking habits, which in common language is called thinking out-of-the-box.
Colder temperatures comfort people think clearly. Research demonstrates that people do their job better when the room temperature is put in a cooler setting than a warmer one.
Makes your skin glowing
We all take special care of our skin in winters. Using different types of creams gives a glow to the skin. Somewhat cold temperatures are beneficial for skin’s health because it compels blood vessels in the skin. This brings the vessels less prone to redness and swelling, as a conclusion of a reduction in blood flow.
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Benefits of Morning Sunlight in Cold Weather
With the onset of cold weather, the need for sunlight is felt even more. But do you know that apart from removing the cold, there are many benefits of morning sunlight? If it is cold weather, you get morning sunlight, it feels different even at that time. Not only does cold go away, but it also helps in increasing immunity. If we know about the biggest benefit of morning sunlight, then it is the availability of vitamin D, which has other benefits along with increasing eyesight.
The biggest advantage of sitting in the sub during the winter season is that it warms your body in cold weather and protects you from the stiffness of cold. After taking sunlight, your efficiency increases these days.
By sitting in the sun, you get plenty of vitamin D, which is necessary for the development of your bones. Apart from this, joint pain and physical pain due to cold also get relief.
Lower risk of diseases
Sure, you might be more prone to get a cold, but you’re in the open for various diseases and infections that are more common in warmer temps. That’s because pesky mosquitoes sleep during winter, which describes a drop of mosquito-borne diseases.
Helps to fight against infections
You might get more colds during the cold weather (not so great), but you are generously primed to boot your immune system into gear and withstand the infection more effectively.
The winter season is very pleasant and exciting. These healthy winter habits will help you identify where your health suffers and what you can do to prevent it. Today, in this article, we discussed some health benefits of cold weather and keep yourself warm from the inside, which you can use in your everyday lifestyle.