Whenever someone sniffles, our first and immediate reaction is to stay away from that particular person and maintain a safe distance from him/her. The ultimate motive behind this action is we do not want to get infected with this infection too. And there’s nothing wrong with …
Acne does not suit any woman and she also follows an anti-acne skincare routine to get rid of it. But even after adopting an anti-acne skincare routine, you are seeing frequent breakouts on your arms, chest, back, and face, then you may be dealing with fungal …
While septum piercings may still seem a huge thing these days too, but it started back in the late 1970s, in the punk rock community. Piercings may seem fun, anticipating and intriguing at the same time but gives a bolder look to your personality. With time, …
Masago is the roe of capelin, and capelin fish’s ripened egg. Generally, Capelin are also known as Mallotus villosus, is the forage or grazing fish primarily living in the cold waters of the oceans such as the North Pacific, North Atlantic, and Arctic Ocean and belongs …